According to BBC reporter: “Future Heat Legend” Deleted Instagram Story Shows the star Again Floating About Signing With Miami……

Earlier today, Damian Lillard briefly shared an Instagram story expressing his desire to join the Miami Heat. However, he swiftly removed the story, rendering it inaccessible.

Lillard had formally requested a trade back in July and has since dropped numerous hints, both direct and indirect, about his desire to play for the reigning Eastern Conference Champions in the upcoming season.

Blazers' Damian Lillard: Brilliant, patient and running out of time |

This cryptic social media activity may have spared the former Rookie of the Year from potential fines or disciplinary measures. The NBA had previously issued a memo indirectly cautioning Lillard and his agent, Aaron Goodwin, regarding possible repercussions for openly discussing his wish to play exclusively in Miami.

The league sent a memo to all 30 teams clarifying that players and agents can publicly or privately declare their reluctance to fulfil contractual obligations following a trade. ESPN reported that both Goodwin and Lillard were interviewed by the NBA after Goodwin had cautioned teams against pursuing the Trail Blazers guard.

With the 2023-24 season opener approaching, Damian Lillard may find himself in an increasingly challenging situation. Teams are preparing for training camps, and there are indications that the Trail Blazers’ management may also be exploring trade options for their impatient star. Amidst this turmoil, the 33-year-old star shared an Instagram story related to his trade aspirations but later deleted it.

Brady Hawk’s social media account shared a screenshot of Lillard’s deleted IG story. The image featured Lillard resharing a post from another user that included one of his IG posts, along with a crucial phrase: “Future Heat Legend @damianlillard soon.” Hawk’s message accompanying the screenshot stated, “A now deleted Damian Lillard IG story post”

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