BBC Report: Celtic legend Clueless Rangers fans can`t even see Celtic double jeopardy amid their own under estimation…

Disillusioned Rangers fans can’t even see Celtic’s dual threat amid their own inferiority Hugh Keevins

That’s the situation in which Brendan Rodgers and whoever is chosen to bring him down are facing in Glasgow.

I know it’s a long shot but come down the road with me on this one for the sake of argument.

Video: Hugh Keevins Left With Egg On His Face After Yet Another Premature  Rant

What if Ange Postecoglou, currently top of the table with Spurs, wins the English Premier League and Brendan Rodgers fails to win the Premiership? With Celtic already holding a seven-point start over their greatest rivals and nearly a quarter of the season gone. A Rangers team thought by their own fans to be so inferior by comparison that the disillusioned produced a banner during the game against St Mirren last Sunday that described the players as being: “Heartless. Passionless. Leaderless”. Then they added for good measure they were: “Not Fit To Wear Our Colours.”

It would surely intensify that feeling of you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone regarding Postecoglou. He was last heard of giving a motivational speech to Australia’s national team before Friday’s friendly against England at the request of Graham Arnold, the man actually paid to manage the side.

By the same token, what if the man appointed to succeed the wasteful Michael Beale in the manager’s office at Ibrox inherits that seven-point deficit – then contrives to make it an even bigger gap by the end of the season?

Taking a bad situation and making it worse, in other words. The response to that state of affairs brings graphic images to mind. Single trophy. Double jeopardy. That’s the situation in which Rodgers and whoever is chosen to bring him down are in as the domestic season re-emerges after the international break.

And the next two league games for both clubs could bring about a significant sequence. Celtic are away to Hearts then Hibs. Rangers are at home to Hibs then travel to Dundee. The potential is there for Celtic’s lead to stretch into double figures – or be reduced to a single point in the event of Edinburgh delivering capital punishment in the form of successive defeats.

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