Unbelievable: Callum McGregor rejects ‘doom and gloom’ Celtic narrative after draw…

Everything that Celtic captain Callum McGregor said to the media after the 0-0 draw with Hibernian at Easter Road

Maybe we did enough to win in the last 25 minutes
The pace of the game was probably not what we wanted, especially in the first half
We started to get into the game in the second half and in the last 25 minutes we were unlucky not to win
I guess the learning is trying to get started and get into the game faster and trying to make those little combinations
I think this way we were able to hold them back and also limit them from making very few counterattacks
It was frustrating and disappointing in terms of the result
Then we thought could we nick something in the end and we pushed enough to get something
Maybe a little bit
We don’t want to be a team that make excuses and things like that
I guess it’s natural as we put so much into the game and the numbers were massive from the other night and it is more of a mindset thing to get going in the game
You saw in the round of 16 how much we sped up the game and we became more similar
It’s probably a combination of physical and mental and trying to make it easier or forcing ourselves into the game, which is not like us and we definitely need to learn from that
You can’t win every game, but with a busy away fixture schedule in recent months, is that still considered a good point
It’s not all doom and gloom and so far we’ve gotten through some very tough places and achieved maximum points, so we might have a point
If you look across the season, you will probably lose points in one of these matches, which is quite normal for the team
Of course, it’s disappointing because you want to win every game, but it could be a good point at the end of the season..
Actually I did that at the time
We were really holding them back and creating little crosses, then there was James Forrest hitting the crossbar and we felt like we were pushing and pushing and they weren’t hindered much in the crossbars
you It felt like it was only a matter of time, but it was one of those days when it shouldn’t have happened

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