Just Now: Don’t think this is great idea as Brigade ban a low point from Celtic Board

The Celtic Star has always provided a platform for Celtic supporters to express their views and our writers are all free to express their own opinions with only the minimum of editorial interference, removing offensive language or the three letter word that’s been weaponised across the road.

So when an article appears it’s always the view of the writer and is never a collective editorial stance from The Celtic Star.

Today and probably over the coming days we will publish various articles on the club’s decision that was announced yesterday to ban the Green Brigade from Celtic Park pending a review with the ultras group which hopefully happens as soon as possible.

First up is Just an Ordinary Bhoy who is angry at the ban and believes that the safety issues are not the real reason, rather that it is all down to the Palestine flag display last week against Atletico Madrid, something that Celtic deny.

It might be helpful before going any further to re-state the reasons Celtic have given for this ban being issued, as The Celtic Star reported yesterday afternoon. The specific points causing the ban are as follows:

1.The widespread and unsafe use of pyrotechnics in Feyenoord on 19 September, which resulted in a fine for the Club from UEFA and safety issues for, and complaints from, other Celtic supporters;

2 .The unsafe behaviour at Fir Park on 30 September, including rushing turnstiles and forcing open fire exits to permit access to individuals without tickets and pitch incursions;

3.Illegally gained access to Celtic Park in advance of the match against Lazio on 4 October to bring in an unauthorised banner, including deliberate circumvention of safety and security rules and protocols, and intimidating and threatening behaviour towards staff;

4. Abuse of matchday access at Celtic Park in advance of the match against Kilmarnock on 7 October and another unauthorised display, breaching the restrictions previously communicated, and intimidating and threatening behaviour towards staff;

5. Abuse of matchday access at Celtic Park in advance of the match against Atletico Madrid on 25 October and another unauthorised display, breaching the restrictions previously communicated, including circumvention of safety and security procedures and the migration of many members of the group (some of whom were wearing face coverings) out of the Rail Seating Section across the North Stand prior to kick off; 

6. Unsafe behaviour at Easter Road on 28 October, including violent and intimidating behaviour towards stewards.

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