News Update:Celtics finally suspends Green Brigade for reasons…

Celtic Football Club has suspended the season tickets of around 200 supporters connected to the Green Brigade group who stand in the rail seating section at Celtic Park. The club have cited reports of “a number of banners and flags used by the which relate to or are connected with terrorist organisations involved in the conflict in the Middle East” alongside instances of unsafe behaviour.

Celtic have stated their intention to review the behaviour of the group during the last two home matches. This includes a banner display of Palestinian flags before Celtic’s Champions League match against Atletico Madrid. The club had issued a statement before the match reiterating the ban on political symbols at the match. The latest action comes after supporters were banned from attending away matches under a previous sanction against the supporters group.

Photographs from the banner display in the rail seating section of the North Stand show the flag of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The revolutionary socialist organisation is proscribed as a terrorist group by the United States and Canada but is not on the list of terrorist organisations maintained by the Home Office in the UK.

Celtic and Police Scotland have been approached for comment regarding the club’s banner investigation.

The club statement says: “You may already be aware of the recent actions that the Club has taken in respect of the Green Brigade, relating to access at home matches and access to away tickets and the Club’s review of unacceptable conduct concerning the group. Following that review, and further serious issues with the behaviour of Green Brigade members at the last two matches, the Club deems it necessary to take further action in respect of the group.

In light of the behaviour of group members, including numerous examples of non-compliance with the Ground Regulations, the Rail Seating Safety Code of Conduct, and Club communications, over a period stretching back to September, the Club has determined that it requires to suspend the season tickets of all season ticket holders who have registered with the Ticket Office as being part of the ‘Green Brigade’ supporters club. This is pending further review and communication with the group and/or the supporters in question regarding compliance with the Ground Regulations, the Rail Seating Safety Code of Conduct, and Club communications, moving forward.

The safe operation of the section relies on compliance with the Ground Regulations and the Rail Seating Section Safety Code of Conduct. The Rail Seating Section Safety Code of Conduct states that “the safe operation of the Rail Seating Section at Celtic Park requires effective communication and engagement with the supporters in that area.”. For this reason, the Club considers that it is necessary to communicate directly with all spectators in the Rail Seating Section to give you honest and transparent detail on the matter.

Formal communications with the group representatives have given specific examples of the behaviours which have led the Club to take these progressive actions but these have included the following:


The widespread and unsafe use of pyrotechnics in Feyenoord on 19 September, which resulted in a fine for the Club from UEFA and safety issues for, and complaints from, other Celtic supporters

The unsafe behaviour at Fir Park on 30 September, including rushing turnstiles and forcing open fire exits to permit access to individuals without tickets and pitch incursions

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