JUST NOW :Superstar ‘My ex-husband texted me’ – Details about ex-girlfriend Shaquille O’Neal’s emotional developments during hot days in Miami

In a riveting interview with Carlos King, uploaded to YouTube on November 7, the ex-girlfriend of NBA star Dwight Howard, Royce Reed, dropped bombshell revelations about her encounters with NBA legend, Shaquille O”Neal during her time with the Miami Heat dance team.

The Shaquille O”Neal-related conversation escalated as Reed delved into her relationship with Shaunie Henderson, the ex-wife of 4× NBA champion.

Royce Reed disclosed sending Henderson a thread of text messages where Shaq allegedly attempted to engage in flirtatious banter.“I sent her [Shaunie] a thread of where her husband, you know, had been texting me and nothing ever happened. He actually cursed me out because I wouldn”ttalk to him, but I wanted everything to be out in the open. I wanted her to see everything, so if anything ever happened or said she knew it wasn”t true,” Reed said on the podcast.

Royce claimed that she wanted everything out in the open, emphasizing that although nothing transpired between her and Shaq, she wanted Henderson to be aware of the interactions to dispel any potential rumors.

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These developmets unfolded during Reed”s tenure as a member for the Miami Heat dance team while Shaquille O”Neal was donning the Heat jersey from 2005 to 2008. 

The former Lakers superstar was traded to the Heat before the 2004-05 season, aligning with Reed”s timeline as a dancer for the team.

Reed detailed the audacious move by Shaq, stating that he must have obtained her number through a ballboy. 

The dance team, along with other players, often socialized at parties, providing Shaq with the opportunity to make his move.

Now, Shaquille O”Neal has swiftly responded to the allegations in an interview with Carlos King on “Reality with The King.”

O”Neal dismissed the claims with a succinct, “Somebody needs money.”

It”s worth noting that Royce Reed, also known for her brief affair with Dwight Howard, shares a child named Braylon with her ex-boyfriend. 

Shaquille O”Neal was selected as the 1st overall pick in the 1992 NBA Draft.

He had a prolific 19-season career in the NBA, playing for six different teams, including notable stints with the Lakers and Heat.
Across 1,207 regular-season games, he maintained an impressive average of 23.7 points, 10.9 rebounds, 2.5 assists, and 2.3 blocks.

Over his illustrious career, O”Neal earned a spot in 15 All-Star games, secured the Rookie of the Year award, claimed one MVP award, three Finals MVP awards, and contributed to four NBA championship victories.

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