Breaking News: Steelers’ Cam Heyward Retirement Crushed By His…

Breaking News: Steelers’ Cam Heyward Retirement Crushed By His…

Amid rumors that Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin was going to take some time and reevaluate his future in Pittsburgh after the Steelers’ 31-17 loss the Buffalo Bills, defensive tackle Cam Heyward has made his stance clear.The Steelers defensive end put it plainly, saying “I don’t want to play for any other coach.”

Now that Tomlin is set to return to the Steelers, so is Heyward, according to the Not Just Football podcast:

The Steelers defensive end was clear, “I’m not retiring. I hate to be blunt about it, but I’m not retiring. I would like to get my body healthy. I just played an entire season on one leg, where I could barely run for the entire season.”

Said Tomlin on his future, “I would imagine those contract things are going to run their course,” Tomlin said. “Art and I have a really good, transparent relationship. We communicate continually often. I don’t imagine this is going to be an issue and I imagine it’s going to get done in a timely manner at the appropriate time. My mindset is to coach this football team.”Steelers Owner Art Rooney II has said he wants to extend Tomlin.

Heyward took issue with the questions surrounding the Steelers coach, “Why are we so concerned with somebody who has a year on their contract, who’s been locked in, and just wanted to coach football. We don’t ask anybody else if they need to come back for another year. I just think it’s doing him a disservice,” Heyward told reporters, via Emily Giangreco of WTAE-TV.

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