Rangers Fan Banned After Buckfast Bottle Incident: Football Matches Off-Limits

Rangers Fan Banned After Buckfast Bottle Incident: Football Matches Off-Limits

A teenage Rangers fan who injured a Celtic supporter by throwing a glass bottle at the away crowd has been banned from football matches for five years.

Lee Findlay, 19, struck Owen Murphy at Ibrox Stadium on January 2, 2023.

The Gers hosted their city rivals in a match which ended 2-2 with Kyogo Furuhashi netting a late equalizer for the visitors.

Findlay – then 17 – scanned the away section near the end of the match before he picked up a Buckfast bottle and launched it at the Celtic fans.

Mr Murphy suffered two cuts to his forehead and is permanently scarred.

Celtic have since rejected tickets for Ibrox which the Hoops attributed to safety concerns at the stadium.

The club cited incidents where fans and staff have been hit by objects thrown by home supporters. The last game between the pair was played entirely in front of Rangers supporters which Celtic went on to win 1-0.

First offender Findlay pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to culpable and reckless conduct.

“Mr Murphy was noted to be bleeding from the top of his head and as a result attended the medical room.”

A doctor reported that Mr Murphy suffered two small cuts to his head which had to be closed and glued.

Miss Aitchison added: “It was noted that the wound will leave scarring on the head of Mr Murphy.”

Police later attended and reviewed CCTV which showed Findlay walking towards the segregation area.

Miss Aitchison: “He was seen to be scanning the away area, picked up a bottle and threw it in the direction of the away fans.”

Findlay, of Motherwell, Lanarkshire, was arrested at his home six days later. Haroun Malik, defending, told the sentencing that his client – a season ticket holder – did not intent to hit anyone.

The lawyer added: “He is the youngest member of the supporters club he attended with that day – he has cut his alcohol use and is ashamed of his actions.”

Mr Malik initially asked the sheriff not to impose unpaid work and later stated that the time could be used to work to repay the victim.

Sheriff Mark McGuire said: “In the atmosphere of an Old Firm game, he threw a bottle at the away support, hitting a fan and permanently disfigured him.

“Outwith the stadium it would be bad enough, within the stadium in the atmosphere of an Old Firm game match it could have sparked a rally.”

Findlay was ordered to do 150 hours of unpaid work and put under supervision for 12 months.

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