Unbelievable! Chip Kelly Skyrockets in Coach Rankings, Shocking Fans Everywhere

Unbelievable! Chip Kelly Skyrockets in Coach Rankings, Shocking Fans Everywhere

The big news of the offseason for the UCLA Bruins football team has been the change in the head coaching position. Chip Kelly is out as the head coach after he decided to head to Columbus to take on the role of the offensive coordinator for Ohio State.

Former Bruins player DeShaun Foster now takes over the leading role for the Bruins, and the program couldn’t be more excited. While Foster brings new energy, there is a level of skepticism that surrounds him due to his inexperience as a leading man.

Kelly was a veteran in the head coaching ranks, but he likely felt it was tiresome being at UCLA. However, despite his lack of success with the Bruins, Kelly did come in ranked first in a ranking of which new coordinator hire would have the largest impact on next season.

Kelly may have underperformed with the Bruins, but he still knows the game of football well. He has been regarded as a strong offensive mind throughout his career, and the Buckeyes offense should be much smoother with him running the show.

The veteran coach also will have a little less pressure on him since the faults of the team will fall on Ryan Day instead of himself. All Kelly needs to do is make sure the offense is running well, and the rest will take care of itself.

It’s better that Kelly and the Bruins split up. It was time. But the Bruins are left with a feeling of how they could have done things differently over the last few seasons now.

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