News: Ex-Cowboys Coach’s Blunt Take on Dan Quinn’s Coaching Raises Serious Concerns

News: Ex-Cowboys Coach’s Blunt Take on Dan Quinn’s Coaching Raises Serious Concerns

Former Dallas Cowboys head coach Dave Campo seems to think that Dan Quinn was a little bit too friendly with his players during the latter’s time with Dallas (h/t Blogging The Boys).

“I know Dan Quinn very well. I was not in the office, in the building, I’m here in Jacksonville, so I saw a bunch of the games. I saw that game. I’m going a little bit on some hearsay. But I think the one thing about Dan is he’s a fine gentleman, and he’s smart, and his scheme was okay, but he was a little bit too buddy-buddy, I think, with the players, and that’s part of it. You can’t have a lot of accountability if you don’t stand a little bit above it of the people that you’re trying to get to be accountable.”

Of course, Quinn is no longer with the Cowboys, as he is now the head coach of the Washington Commanders, but he’s certainly left a mark on Dallas. As a defensive coordinator, Quinn was able to transform the Cowboys’ defense into one of the more solid in the league. In 2023, the team finished ninth overall in the league with 20.2 points allowed per game and seventh with 306.1 total yards given up per contest.

What Campo appeared to want to get across was that the Dallas Cowboys’ defense would have been better if Quinn leaned towards a more iron-fisted approach to his coaching. Then again, every coach has his own style in running a team or a unit, and it just so happens that Campo’s not that big of a fan of Quinn’s.

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