Angela Murray announced she will be relocating after experiencing terrifying visions…

Angela Murray sat at her kitchen table, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows across the room. She stared at the envelope in front of her, her hands trembling slightly. The letter inside was her resignation from her job, and it was only one part of a much bigger decision she had made.


Just weeks before, Angela had been living her ordinary life in a quiet suburban neighborhood, working as a graphic designer. Her days were filled with client meetings, design projects, and occasional evenings with friends. Everything changed when she started having vivid, terrifying visions.


It began with fleeting images—a dark figure moving through the fog, an eerie whisper echoing in her mind. At first, she dismissed them as stress-induced hallucinations, but the visions grew more intense and disturbing. One night, she woke up in a cold sweat, her heart pounding, after a vision of a shadowy figure standing at the foot of her bed, reaching out to her with hollow eyes.


Angela tried to ignore them, hoping they would fade away, but they only became more persistent. Her sleep was fractured, and she began to feel a creeping sense of dread wherever she went. The final straw came when she saw a vision of her own home in flames, a sight so vivid and alarming that she could no longer dismiss it as mere imagination.


In a desperate bid for peace, Angela decided to take a break from her life and move to a new city. She hoped that by distancing herself from her current surroundings, the visions would stop and she could reclaim her sense of normalcy. It was a hard choice, leaving behind friends, a job, and a familiar place, but she felt she had no other option.


As she sealed the envelope and prepared to send her resignation, Angela took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. The decision to relocate was both terrifying and liberating. She had chosen a small town far from her old life, a place where she hoped the change of scenery would bring her the calm she desperately sought.


As she glanced around her now-familiar kitchen one last time, Angela couldn’t shake the sense of foreboding that lingered, but she also felt a flicker of hope. The future was uncertain, but she was ready to face whatever came next with the belief that a fresh start might be the key to putting her fears to rest.

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