Referee Threatens Player And Ends Up In A Devastating State.

Referee Threatens Player And Ends Up In A Devastating State.

The ending of the Detroit Lions game against the Dallas Cowboys will be talked about for days and days.To quickly summarize, the Lions believed they had scored the go-ahead two-point conversion with 24 seconds left, but officials ruled that left tackle Taylor Decker—who caught the pass—was an ineligible receiver.

The controversy surrounds a miscommunication between the officials and Lions players. Replays show Decker approaching the head official Brad Allen to report as an eligible receiver. But with Dan Skipper jogging onto the field—the player who typically reports as eligible—the official believed that it was Skipper who reported, not Decker.

Without being identified as the eligible receiver, Decker could not be the first person to touch the ball after a pass, and that was the 5-yard penalty that cost the Lions the game. They would get two more opportunities at the two-point conversion, but fail both.

Let’s take a look how both past and present Lions players reacted to the controversy.

First, here’s what the relevant Lions players said in their post-game media obligations:

Goff, too, tried to tell his side of the story and definitively said the Lions followed the correct protocol.

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